How Displaying Family Portraits Increases Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Every person has their own unique way to boost their self-esteem. For some, getting a haircut is an effective way to feel confident in their appearance. For others, buying a new outfit or two restores self-assurance and poise. But did you ever think that displaying pictures of you with your family and friends is another powerful way to increase your personal self-esteem?

It’s true—while that may not be the first method you consider when it comes to restoring your self-confidence, proudly displaying family portraits will surely make you and others around you feel good about yourself. And isn’t that a message that we can proudly pass along to those around us, particularly our children?

Songs of Life Photography

No matter what age they are at, a child is always at an impressionable age. There is always a lesson to be taught, and there are few lessons to instill in them as important as maintaining and improving their self-esteem.

Here are a few reasons why displaying your family pictures will help them develop the self-confidence that they will carry with them throughout their lifetime.

It Creates a Sense of Belonging
A child seeing themselves in a photograph next to other family members is naturally going to cause them to create some personal comparisons; my hair looks like my mom’s, my dad and I have the same eyes. Those mirrored traits, and their ability to recognize them, creates a sense of comfort. It is knowledge that these people, their beloved family members, are just like them, and that they can always be confident that they can be themselves around those people.

It Helps Identify Their Family Unit
When you are a kid, everything seems big and larger than life, even the members of your own family. But seeing where their place is within their family unit allows them to see themselves as a valued part of that family unit. Although a family portrait or photograph is usually a staged, posed image, it still creates a personal image in a child’s mind of a safe and supportive environment.

Family Photography

It Reminds Them of Their Self Worth
Displaying photos prominently in the home sends your children the message that they are a vital piece of
their family’s happiness and that those in the photograph together are important to one another. It is a beautiful way to proudly honor the memories you have experienced and will experience together.

Trust Songs of Life to provide you with portraits that will not only capture your love and connection, but will teach your children crucial lessons on valuing themselves. Schedule your session today by calling us at 630-636-9107 or email us at


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